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Unsere Welt in Gefahr – Klimawandel und Zivilisation
Geheimnisvolles Tuwa
Im Bannkreis des Nordens
Kanadas vergessene Küste
Die Nationalparks der Rocky Mountains
Im Land des Adlers
Kanada Nördlich des 60. Breitengrades
Abenteuer Kanada
- Die Nationalparks Banff und Jasper
Hawaii Aloha
Der Mississippi


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National Parks of the Rocky Mountains

Leseprobe aus dem Kapitel "Grand Teton National Park":

The Tetons are the stuff of fairy tale illustrations. It would seem that no mountains really could look like that. Yet these peaks have the hard reality of granite and metamorphic rock. Perhaps it is this solid intrusion of myth and fantasy into the real world that makes visitors gasp a bit the first time they behold the Tetons, or the second time. Indeed, these peaks are breathtaking any time they are viewed with eyes unglazed by the complacency that sometimes accompanies daily association with greatness.

The Shoshone Indians who roamed this area - and still live not far away - called the peaks "Tee-win-ot," as modern people now call one of the most prominent summits in the range. The name meant, logically

enough, "many pinnacles," and the Shoshones believed these mountains were the dwelling place of holy spirits. Spiritually inclined people today assume the Shoshones were correct, for photographs of the Tetons frequently grace a wide range of religious publications. The tiny Chapel of the Transfiguration, a log Episcopal church within Grand Teton National Park, is probably the most famous house of worship in the United States. Its backdrop of mountain glory far surpasses the noblest efforts of the world's most talented human architects who devoted their lives to the building of cathedrals.

Yet, not all people have understood the grandeur of this special place. In 1818, a group of Iroquois Indians had been trappers in the European fur trade for so many generations that they even had French names and used

the French language. These Iroquois were stationed in today's Idaho by the North West Company, based in Montreal. Not inspired by the profit motive of their employers, the Indian trappers soon became tired of chasing beaver and headed east. On their way, they viewed three snowy peaks to the east, across a valley now named for one of the Iroquois, Pierre's Hole. The lusty trappers called the peaks "Les Trois Tetons" - The Three Breasts.

Although the name stuck to South Teton, Middle Teton, and Grand Teton - at 4197 m the tallest peak in the range -, the mountains' natural sublimity has overwhelmed history's vulgarity. Today, when Americans hear of the Tetons, the immediate image brought to mind is a picture of the Western Hemisphere's most famous mountain vista - the Teton Range from Jackson Hole. In the vicinity of Grand Teton National Park, residents refer to the park's namesake with reverence as simply "The Grand".
(Kent Dannen)

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Neu erschienen: Unsere Welt in Gefahr – Klimawandel und Zivilisation

von Stephen Henighan, Kanada, mit einem Vorwort von Mojib Latif, Kiel

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